ISSN 1932-2070
This is the legacy site for Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics. It preserves all the content of that journal from inception up through the transfer of its editorial control to the University of Nebraska-Kearney, and renaming.
In short, you can browse this site (and download) in exactly the same way that you would have from 2000 to 2021. Some cases had password-protected teaching notes. These are no longer secure. If interested, contact the last editor, David Tufte, and one will be emailed back to you.
Papers in all 4 sections of the journal were double-blind reviewed by (at least) 2 referees.
Welcome to the Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics, an electronic journal for scholars and academicians who wish to share their expertise and findings with colleagues and other interested parties worldwide. This webpage contains the following sections:
1) Archive of published articles
2) Journal Mission Statement
3) Structure of the Journal
4) Submission Guidelines
5) Peer Review Process
6) Reviewer Guidelines
1. Archive of published articles
A) General Research
B) Pedagogy
C) Opinions and Experiences
D) Cases and SolutionsTo access articles published in the journal, click on the appropriate link above.
2. Journal Mission Statement:
The Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics seeks to promote the scholarship of application and pedagogy by faculty and other professionals working in fields related to business and economics. This journal is specifically targeted as a scholarly outlet for faculty at institutions primarily having an undergraduate teaching mission, without doctoral programs in business or economics. While submissions from individuals across the country regarding all issues related to business and economics are acceptable for this journal, papers regarding issues of mountain west regional interest are particularly encouraged.
3. Structure of the Journal:
The Editorial Board has established four general sections in which a paper may be published in the Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics. They are:
1.) General Research- these are traditional research-oriented works which fit the general mode of journal-worthy publications.
2.) Pedagogy- these articles will deal with topics regarding teaching, classroom and student-oriented issues.
3.) Opinions and Experiences- here the reader will find articles dealing with the opinions, ideas and experiences of faculty members in their individual disciplines.
4.) Cases and Solutions- this section will be devoted to case write-ups and solutions which the authors have created, either hypothetically or fact-based.
4. Submission guidelines:
The Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics is entirely electronic. All articles will be submitted, reviewed, and published electronically via email and/or the Internet. Papers may be submitted for possible publication in any of the functional areas of business, including Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, MIS, Business Law, etc. Papers may be submitted for peer review in the following manner:
1. Prepare your paper in a Microsoft Word format that is compatible with Windows 98, Windows NT or higher. We will accept manuscripts for REFEREE purposes in ANY format. Upon acceptance for publication, the manuscript must be converted to the following format. The typeface standard is 12 point Times New Roman, left justified, single-spaced. Let all headings throughout the manuscript be capitalized and centered. Manuscripts should begin with a title (16 point font), followed by author's) and affiliations (12 point font). Following the manuscript title and the authors, all manuscripts should begin with an abstract except cases. Double space between paragraphs, and indent the first sentence in each paragraph. Insert all tables in the manuscripts in portrait mode.
2. Citations, References, and Footnotes. Use APA style for all publications. The American Psychologist's Association Style Manual does not employ footnotes. Instead, a citation is handled in the body of the text (Calvasina & Roberts, 2004), by putting the last names of the authors, followed by the year of the publication within parenthesizes. References should be prepared in general accordance with the APA. Please use italics in place of underlines. Double space between references and do not indent in any way. for example:
Citing a Journal Article
Calvasina, G.E. & W. Roberts (2004). Human resource management decision making in a union environment. Journal of Business, 6(3), 245-256.
Citing an Online Journal Article
Fredrickson, B.L. (2000). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being, Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2000, from
Citing a Book
Carland, J.W. & J.A. Carland (1999). Small business management: tools for success (Second Edition). Houston, TX: Dame Publishing.
For REFEREE purposes, email a copy of your paper as an attachment to Dr. David Tufte, editor. Make sure that your name, institution, phone number, email address and title appear on a cover page, but only the title should appear on the body of the submitted article itself.4.
Include with your submission the required $50 submission fee,which should be sent to Southern Utah University, Department of Business, 351 W. Center St., Cedar City, UT 84720. Make the check payable to MPJBE. Articles will not be forwarded for review until the submission fee is received.5. Articles submitted for potential publication in the Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics should not be under consideration for publication at other journals. Articles published in the Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics may not be republished elsewhere without permission of the editor.
5. Peer Review Process:
All papers submitted will first undergo an initial review by the editor. This editorial review will check the paper for completeness and relevance, insuring that the paper is consistent with the mission of the Journal. If the paper is unacceptable, it will be returned for revision by the author, or it will be rejected from consideration. Papers that are accepted by the editor are then forwarded to several peer reviewers in the respective field of expertise for scoring and input. This is a blind review, and reviewers are selected from institutions other than that of the author. All reviewers comments will be anonymously returned to the author of the paper as feedback. Upon completion of the peer review process, the editor of the Journal will notify the principal author of the paper regarding acceptance, revision requirements or rejection status of the paper. The entire peer review process should take between 6 and 8 weeks to complete.
6. Reviewer Guidelines:
It is the role of the reviewer to:
A) Insure that the prospective article is a contribution to the literature in some respect (e.g. new theory; new data testing an existing theory; re-examination of previously completed work, viewed from a fresh prospective; new pedagogical methods; an extension of existing pedagogical methods to new areas, etc.).
B) Insure that the review of literature is sufficient to support the contention that the work is indeed a contribution to the literature. A sufficient literature review allows the reader to place the work in a larger context, understanding the reason why the paper was written and why the conclusions are relevant.
C) Ensure that the method of analysis fits the type of data used.
D) Review the process whereby any hypotheses are tested, making certain that any statistical procedures are appropriately carried out and that proper inferences are made from those results. Where tests and assertions are based on non-quantitative methods, sufficient evidence should be available to support any conclusions.
E) Provide organizational recommendations to promote clarity for the reader.
F) Provide the editorial staff with a recommendation based on a five-point scale ranging from definitely publish (5) to definitely not publish (1).